How to Overcome Laptops Overheating Fast and Turning Off Alone



Tips on How to Overcome Laptops Heat and Die Alone - Laptops die by themselves while doing assignments or playing games is certainly very annoying, Laptops that often overheat or overheat eventually often die by themselves needing handling as soon as possible this can result in total death.

This post is actually the answer from friends on campus, because there are some friends whose laptops overheat quickly and often turn off by themselves. 
After I corrected it, it turned out that there were several causes that led to the problem. If you also experience it then immediately take the steps below:

Causes of Laptop Overheating (Overheating)

Laptops overheat quickly and sometimes turn off on their own due to several things including:

1. Processor Fan Turns Off

This first problem if not handled immediately will be fatal, to check it please point your hand at the exhaust drain next to the laptop, if there is no wind out, the processor fan may die or by listening to fan rotation, because if it is still normal it will sounds while the processor fan is on.

2. Lots of dust in the drain and processor fan

Dust can cause obstructed exhaust air and fan rotation less than maximum, this will cause the air temperature to become hot.

3. Thermal Pasta that has dried

Thermal paste on the processor which helps to cool the processor if it is dry and hardens the processor can also heat up quickly.

4. Ram Performance Decreased

Hardware needs care and control because it will definitely be damaged, if the ram is damaged, the laptop will heat up quickly. You can check this with a RAM performance check software.

Overcoming Laptops Overheating and Turning Off Alone

After seeing some of the causes above, it is necessary to have an accurate solution to overcome some of the problems that make the laptop heat up quickly and die suddenly , here's what you have to do:

1. If the problem is a dead processor fan, replace the new processor fan immediately. If not, the laptop will turn itself off due to overheating. This has been experienced by my friend who I told you before but did not believe that I finally entered the service place to replace the processor fan.

2. Clean your laptop hardware from dust, starting from the fan air line to the fan too. and some other hardware such as keyboard, Ram etc. To clean RAM, please remove it first and clean it with a rubber eraser. We recommend that you clean your laptop every 1 year to maintain performance so that it continues to work optimally.

3. Check the thermal paste, whether it is hardened and dry or not. if it is dry please replace the new paste but clean the dry paste first then replace the wet one (new thermal paste).

4. If the ram performance is decreasing, then the strategic step you need to do is replace it with a new one. But before being replaced, it would be better to clean it first. if it is still the same, then replace it with a new one.

This is information about computer tips on How to Overcome a Quick Heat and Turning Off Laptop Alone , hopefully it can be useful and provide solutions to your favorite laptop


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